Perfect for celebrating the Luck O’ the Irish, or any sunny day for that matter, these citrus-y, moist, and golden Lemon Lime Cupcakes will make...
Feelin’ lucky? You will with this ridiculously simple and traditional March dish of Crock Pot Corned Beef! Your guests will never have to know how...
Cabbage. Not one of my favorite foods. But what’s a girl to do when St. Patrick’s Day rolls around and your hungry crowd is expecting...
Spring is here! Oh, wait. Even though yesterday I was espousing the wonderful things coming our way when Spring, well, “springs” tomorrow, apparently the weather...
Ah, Spring. The food, the warmer weather, the beautiful blooming flowers. It’s wonderful, no? <ah-choo!> OK, so Spring, while lovely in many ways, also brings...
Valentine’s Day is a time for chocolate ALL. THE. TIME. Why shell out for chocolate treats that may not make it out of the gold-covered...
Love chocolate? Love your mate? Your kiddos? Even your co-workers? Give them a taste of these rich, easy and festive Chocolate Truffle Love Bites to...
After this weekend, I will be hyper-focused. I’ll be glued to my television. Game Day is my favorite day of the week. See, I’m a...
I know, I know. It’s turkey–again. But stay with me, folks. I promise that this additional ode to “what to do with leftover turkey“ will...
It’s time for a makeover for one of America’s favorite holiday meal side dishes–the Green Bean Casserole. The traditional condensed soup is replaced with luscious...
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