The best part of waking up is…well, actually it’s coffee. I’ve often said that the cruel irony of this caffeine-filled, morning nectar of the gods is that you NEED coffee to MAKE coffee. Have you ever had one of those mornings where you forget to put the coffee in the filter, and brew hot water instead? Or worse, the coffee makes it into the machine, but the water doesn’t? Yeah, you actually needed to have already consumed said coffee to make it properly. Well, I found out what happens when you remember all of the steps to MAKE coffee, but then forget to drink it.
On one particularly groggy recent Saturday morning, I wandered downstairs to find the husband tucked into the couch, sufficiently “dachshund-adjacent” (our phrase for being draped with 2 adorable, attention-seeking dogs). I stumbled into the kitchen, and like any other morning, proceeded to make coffee. All of the steps were covered: Filter into machine basket—check. Coffee into filter—check. Water into carafe—check. Carafe properly replaced under filter basket—check. Hit “brew” button—check. It seemed that my journey toward scoring my morning hit of Joe was on track.
And what goes with morning coffee in Texas better than breakfast tacos? Um, nothing. So I told the husband that I was going to make breakfast tacos for the both of us. I’m such a considerate wife, aren’t I? Making coffee, whipping up a tasty breakfast—I mean, he’s a lucky guy, don’t you think? Not so fast, my friend.
I got out the sausage, and browned it up in the frying pan, making sure to even drain it a bit (that makes it healthy, right?). I warmed the tortillas, got out the cheese and salsa, and BAM! Breakfast was served. I made myself one first (after all, I was the one who made it, so ladies first), and proceeded to sit down to enjoy my breakfast. About 3 bites into my meal, my husband peeked out of the kitchen and said “Um, honey? How is your breakfast taco?” I looked at him and said, “Well, it’s OK I guess.” I was confused because he seemed confused. After another beat, I looked down at my plate to realize that I was not eating a fully-constructed breakfast taco, but a tortilla with sausage—that’s it. Not really a breakfast taco because I had forgotten the eggs completely. Whoops.

Now for you breakfast taco virgins out there, first, I’m sorry. Breakfast tacos are a staple down here, and are something that you can easily find yourself addicted to when living in Texas. It’s inevitable. They are a cheap, easy, and tasty answer to morning stomach rumblings. They generally consist of eggs scrambled with anything from egg and sausage, to egg and potatoes, to egg and chorizo, to egg and bacon, to egg and beans. Of course, if you have already had YOUR coffee upon reading this, you have noticed that the common ingredient is eggs. Now back to our regularly scheduled program…
So back to the kitchen I went and added the requisite eggs to the sausage, and breakfast was saved. It was at this point in the story that I need to point out my second realization: I also had not yet poured myself a cup of coffee. That was it! That was how I’d forgotten the key ingredient to my delicious breakfast taco! I blamed the coffee. The lack of that caffeine-filled mug had caused the error, clearly. Imagine if I’d been trying to something more serious! Driving a car, a truck, a forklift, a plane (OK, I don’t know why I’d be driving a couple of those vehicles, but you get the idea)?? Someone could have really been hurt! You know I’m right. I selected a cup (a large one, of course), and the morning crisis was averted.

So consider this your friendly neighborhood public service announcement: Coffee is our friend. Coffee loves us. Coffee wants us to be happy. And Coffee wants us to be careful when operating heavy machinery, or making breakfast tacos.

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Coffee is my friend too. A must have to my daily morning routine.
Coffee is a must to start my day. I love all your mugs too!
Mugs seem to show up in this house randomly, I swear! But you never know which size you may need (OK, want!)! :o)
I am with you there, I cannot survive without coffee….or perhaps I can, but I don’t want to battle with a terrible headache that comes whenever I don’t drink coffee!!! Love the photo of the dogs, by the way! 🙂
I get headaches from several sources, so you’re right–I don’t want to tempt fate and add another trigger by quitting coffee! Ha ha! And my pups are never far from my feet. Shadow 1 and Shadow 2!
I usually set my coffee on a timer the night before so it’s ready to go when I wake up, but yesterday I noticed that I forgot to actually put the coffee grounds in the filter. Everything else was ready to go, but clearly, I might also need coffee at night to remember to fully finish prepping my coffee for morning 😉 I love my coffee too!
I don’t even want to see anyone before my first cup 🙂 coffee is definitely my friend
LOL Speaking of coffee love, my husband left me very little coffee this morning, barely half a cup and it was cold to boot. 🙁 boo! 🙂
I love breakfast burritos! I should make some 🙂
Well that’s not very nice! I say you make breakfast tacos and only leave him a half-eaten one! Ha ha!
Yes, I remember the morning I added the ground coffee to the coffee maker and forgot to put in the filter first. Didn’t notice anything wrong until I poured the coffee. What a mess. Now it’s MauiJim’s job to make the morning coffee. I can’t think until my third cup. 😉
My former boss used to know that unless that cup was already in front of me, no conversations could begin. He had learned the hard way that nothing productive was going to happen without that full cup, beckoning to me.
How funny. I know the feeling. And…I live in Texas too! Home of the Breakfast Taco sensation! I just got my husband a new coffee maker for his birthday, as I couldn’t stand to drink it from his ancient maker that he had since COLLEGE!!! Yeah, gross. And he just turned 40. So right now I’m enjoying my too-many-to-count cup of coffee on a lazy Sunday! All Hail Coffee!
Got to say that breakfast tacos are one of the few things I actually like about Texas (I know, haters go on and hate on me), and so that was a particularly hard blow that morning! LOL Where in Te-jas are you, Melissa?