Don’t you love the lead up to holidays like Valentine’s Day? The commercials implying that we all need to run out and spend lots of moolah on jewelry, cards, and chocolate? I mean, I like all of those things, but the inundation of messages telling us that Valentine’s Day is THE day for those things leaves out the opportunity for more than just ONE day to “send them all our love”. I’m rebelling!
And by rebelling, I mean I’m bringing the celebration into the week. Heck, why should we eat heart-shaped treats only one day per year? That’s discrimination against hearts. And chocolate.
Of course, this rebellion may also have something to do with the fact that I crumbled under the societal pressure and bought too much of the sweet stuff and have to get it out of my house ASAP.
I’ve mentioned in the past that when it comes to baking, 2 constants apply.
- I don’t follow rules very well, so baking is more of a challenge for me. I admit to relying on boxed baked goods, and then doctoring them where possible.
- I make baked goods of this nature nearly every week for my husband to take into his office, now dubbed “Baked Good Monday“. Sometimes they’re winners, and other times not so much. But I try. And that’s the important thing, right?
So this weekend I got busy using up the additional baked goodies I bought and fancied them up with that ever-present Valentine’s theme. I mean, I sprung for the heart-shaped cookie cutters, so I may as well get some use out of them, right? A box of white cake, some jars of frosting, a few cookie sprinkles and POOF! It’s Valentine’s Day all over again.
What puts a smile on your face when you have to return from a long weekend like chocolate and treats that say things like “Cutie Pie” and “Be Mine “? Not much, other than a big ole’ cup of coffee to go along with it.
So with these fun little treats, I give one last shout-out to the societal demand for chocolate this February! Happy (albeit belated) Valentine’s Day, folks!
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Servings | Prep Time |
24 people | 20 minutes |
Cook Time |
30 minutes |
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I know that I could probably make really tasty baked goods if I put in the extra effort of making them from scratch. But when the boxed stuff comes out better than my own concoctions, it's an easy choice. And I love that even though the box tells me what the final product is supposed to look like, I can still put my own twist on them. Have cookie cutters, will shape brownies. And what is great about this hack is that you can do this with any darned shapes and colors you have on hand. Look out, St. Patty's Day! Green Shamrock brownies are comin' your way!
- 1 box fudge brownie mix (and eggs, water & vegetable oil per box instructions)
- 1 jar white frosting
- 1 container cookie sprinkles
- 1 small bag conversation hearts
- 1 box white cake mix (and eggs, water & vegetable oil per box instructions)
- 1 jar chocolate frosting
- 1 container cookie sprinkles
- 1 small bag conversation hearts
- For the brownies, make them per box instructions. Be sure to make them in a larger pan to ensure that they are a little thinner than you may normally like. This will ensure that they are thin enough to use a cookie cutter on them. When pouring the batter into the pan, be sure to line the pan with parchment paper so that the brownies can be pulled out of the pan easily for cutting.
- Once you have them cut into the sizes and shapes you desire, frost each brownie cookie with white frosting. Dip frosted side into cookie sprinkles. For the smaller cookies, dab a circle of frosting in the middle and place a conversation heart on the frosting to adhere it to the cookie.
- For the cupcakes, follow instructions on box to make 24 cupcakes. Once they are baked, allow them to cool completely prior to frosting. When frosting is still fresh on each cupcake, dip frosted top into cookie sprinkles. Top with a candy conversation heart.
I realize that many may say that I'm cheating using the boxed mixes. But I don't care. And what is so great about these is that if you have a couple of them on hand in your pantry, you and your kids can go nuts whenever you want in no time. It's a great snow day project, and the bonus is that at the end of the day, you have chocolate!
Pour a glass of red wine with one of these brownies and your day will be right as rain (or snow!) in no time!
I also like to bake goodies for my husband’s office! What a cute idea for using leftover Valentine’s candies! Thanks for sharing!
I enjoy the lead up more than I enjoy the actual day. More power to you for being a rebel!
I love a good quick fudgy brownie.
If using a boxed mix is cheating, then I am guilty, too. Life is too short not to use convenient mixes when you want to. Your heart shaped brownies are great.
Love it and totally into the shortcuts too! 😀 Happy V-Day to you, love your recipe!