Category: Posts and Stuff

Here you can find a list of all of my previous posts.

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted…

I live in paradise.  The weather is temperate most of the year.  The landscape is lush, filled with miles of meandering roads and beautiful scenery. ...

What’s Love Got to Do With It? Chocolate & Bacon Week!

When that special someone comes into your life, you start thinking of all the romantic things they will do for you, and you will do...

Soft Raisin Cookies–Baked Good Mondays

Another week, another Monday, another round of baked goods. As I’ve mentioned before, I try to send baked goods of some sort into the office...

TV Dinners, Country Style

So if you know me at all, you know that I am not really a fan of country music.  I know, I know, to many...

Baked Good Mondays

When my husband moved into a job a few years back where, upon arrival, morale was so low it was in the…well, you get my...

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A Go-With-the-Flow Christmas

I did it. I made it through the holidays. I survived. Do you feel like this every year, too? No matter what, there is always...

Doctored-Up Chili—It’s Good for What Ails You

Cough! Sniffle! Hack!  Yeah. So this is the most wonderful time of the year? Really? Tell that to my head cold. While it really can...

My First Time–Boursin Chicken

You never forget your first time. It’s a momentous occasion, marking your move into another phase of life. It’s enticing, exciting, but also fraught with...

Feeding a Migraine

Have you ever had someone slowly try to pull your brains out of your eye sockets? Had an ice pick placed ever-so-lovingly in your forehead?...

Winner, Winner, Pork Roast Dinner!

With so many sources for dishes to make, have you ever found yourself with a stack of so many great recipes that you wind up...