It all began innocently enough. You were sitting at breakfast one morning, and that crispy, salty, meaty bacon was calling to you. You reached across the table to grab one of those goodies,and you knocked over your mocha latte with chocolate foam. Ack! It spilled all over the bacon! But because the siren song of that salty god was too much to resist, you snatched a piece and tried it anyway. Salty, sweet, creamy, crunchy–everything you ever wanted in one perfect bite.
Then the clouds parted, the sun shown down, and the angels sung. Lo and behold, bacon and chocolate had found each other. And what an unlikely yet wonderful marriage it became.
You heard me right, salty/sweet lovers. I’m doing it again. After piquing your craving for the savory and the sweet earlier this week with these addictive Choco-Dipped Pretzel Sticks, today, I’m bringing the love together yet again. I’m even using the same cookie decorations since I had way too many of them on hand. Why not use them with something I already know is yummy–chocolate?!
This week has been all about llluuuuvvvvvvvv. Specifically, the love for those two great tastes that were meant for each other–Chocolate and Bacon (#ChocoBaconLove). After all, what is deep, abiding, can’t-live-without-you love all about? It changes your life! Once you get your hands–and your palates–on these little gems, your life will never be the same. Give a bouquet of these unlikely yet scrumptious beauties to your sweetheart, and you’ll seal the deal for sure.
You’re welcome.
What variations would <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>YOU</span> do with these simple ingredients??

Servings | Prep Time |
4 people | 30 minutes |
Cook Time |
15 minutes |
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In keeping with many of my recent recipes, these are so ridiculously simple it's almost embarrassing. Well, almost. And if you want to take the credit, knock yourself out. You'll never look at the two ingredients the same way again, and then you'll start combining them with everything! Lucky you!
- 1/2 lb. thick cut bacon
- 10 wooden half-skewers
- 1 8 oz. container meltable milk chocolate
- cookie decorations/sprinkles
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cover baking sheet with foil and spray with cooking spray.
- Cut bacon pieces in half, creating slices approximately 6 inches long.
- Thread each slice of bacon onto a wooden skewer. This will keep the bacon from curling up during cooking. Place skewers on baking sheet, minding to space them out so that they don't stick to one another.
- Bake for 12-15 minutes, depending on your oven. Start checking the bacon at about 10 minutes to make sure they don't burn (not that I would have any experience with that...).
- Remove bacon from oven and either place on drying rack, or onto paper towels to remove excess bacon fat. Allow to cool completely.
- Heat chocolate per instructions on the container. Using a spoon, drizzle chocolate onto each bacon skewer. Top with cookie sprinkles for color. (see note below for additional topping and flavor combinations)
- Allow chocolate sauce to harden. Either serve immediately, or refrigerate for up to 2 days. Serve to that special someone, taking all the credit and love that comes with it.
As mentioned in the instructions above, the possibilities for how to change up the flavors here are endless. Add some cayenne to the chocolate sauce for a lovely heat in each nibble. Sprinkle the bacon with brown sugar before you cook it to amp up the sweetness quotient. Top the chocolate with crushed pecans or walnuts. Play with it a bit, and you're sure to come up so many new favorites you'll be making these all year long!
What variations would YOU do with these simple ingredients??
I love that you put sprinkles on it! 🙂 Have you had these on a maple bar before??? AMAZING!!!
I call them “Happy Sprinkles”. They make everything a little more fun! 🙂
Yum. I’ve used bacon in sweet things before and I do love the combination. Brilliantly done!
this looks so mouthwatering. I have coekod bacon in the oven before which I like because it doesn’t splatter, but I will have to try it with the rack to keep the grease off. I wish we could get those cuts of bacon as shown. we only get the strips of bacon here.
Chocolate and bacon, my two favorite things!